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This is a resume of the events involving the Contemporary Plastic Artist ENR.


Art with Waste

​​Dow convocated Edgardo Rodriguez to perform his Art with a Silo Bag of 600 x 80 inches that were composed into 250 pieces of 12 x 12 inches each.

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR







Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR



Dow by ENR

Dow by ENR

Palais de Glace

Plastic waste art

​​ENR has exhibited his art entirely made from plastic waste placed at the heart of Buenos Aires City's most Distinguished distric of Recoleta. 

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

ENR Palais de Glace 2015

Todo Sirve

Kirchner Cultural Centre

​​Placed over the terrace of the great Blue Wale of the Kirchner Cultural Centre and joining the presentation of the project Playing for Change, ENR has exhibited his art entirely made from plastic waste.

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

ENR at the Kirchner Cultural Centre

Art by Meter

Clarín 70 years / La Rural

ENR has integrated the audience while creating Art by Meter over old Clarin's pages to celebrate the 70 anyversary of the newspaper.


May 2015.

Guardians of Earth

Book's event / La Rural

The Guardians of Earth were exhibited at the anual Feria del Libro invited by the Goverment of Buenos AIres City of Argentina


May 2015.

Guardians of Earth

Expobio / San Isidro's horse course

The Guardians were part of expobio's event celebated in Buenos Aires.


May 2015.

Rebecca Hossack

London's Soho, England

ENR Exibited at Rebecca Hossack's gallery in London Engand.


April  2015.


Art exhibition in Buenos Aires

ENR Exhibited his work at the Mapa's gallery in Buenos Aires.


June 2015.

Guardians of Earth

Tan Biónica / Hipódromo Palermo

The Guardians of Earth were exhibited at the Tan Biónica Concert.


December  2014.

Guardians of Earth

Feria de las Naciones

The Guardians took part of the event Feria de las Naciones.


Buenos Aires - Argentina

November 2014.

Guardians of Earth

Expo Ciudad Verde

The Guardians of Earth were exhibited at Expo Ciudad Verde.


Buenos Aires - Argentina

November 2014.

Guardians of Earth

Artistic & Pedagogic Project

Made possible toguether with the Ministry of Culture and Public Space, Enviroment Agencies and The National Ministry of Education along with Green Schools.


Year 2014.

Guardians of Earth

Jacaranda Recoleta


Made possible toguether with the Ministry of Culture and Public Space, Enviroment Agencies and The National Ministry of Education along with Green Schools.


Year 2014.

Art by Metrer

Casa O´Globo


​​Exiting show of ENR in wich art is sold by meter. All made of recicled plastic material.


Year 2014.

Hampatú Foundation

The Hampatú Foundation had ENR participating in the developing of the program Creative Challenge.

Also ENR was invited to the exhibition made for Hampatú Foundation at the Konex Foundation in Buenos Aires Argentina.

Year 2012.


ENR intervened the catwalk of Desiderata at the Autumn presentation made in La Rural within the event BAFWEEK.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Year 2012.

FOA House


ENR participated with his work of fishes in the project Saving the Riachuelo developed by the Landscape Studios Diana Estevez for FOA House.

This project won the silver medal.

Year 2011.

Park Thays

Called together for Green Schools and the Secretary of Education of Buenos Aires Government of Buenos Aires CABA.

Year 2012.


Exhibited at the Ambient Control Agency of theGovernment of Buenos Aires, CABA in the Festival of Garbage.

Year 2012.

Colectivo Imaginario

ENR made the scenography of the TV program Colectivo Imaginario conduced by Canela aired by TN TV Channel.

September 2012.

Perfect Dragons Madero Hotel

Perfect Dragons called ENR to participate at the program Processing Art.

Both worked together transforming waste into object of art and design.

The presentation was at the Madero Hotel, Buenos Aires Argentina.

April 2013.

Reciclarte Katja Alemann

ENR accompanied with his work to Katja Alemann and marched his suits at the event Reciclarte that took place in Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

September de 2012.

Christmas Tree



Regarding the festivities of New Year, Danone invited ENR to intervine a gigantic Christmas Tree of 15 meters high, placed in Plaza Francia, Recoleta.

He also made a smaller Christmas Tree for the IRSA's offices.

December 2012.

Feria del Libro


ENR participated in the Green Schools' stand with his work. 

Invited by the Government of Buenos Aires City.

Abril 2012

Urban Art

Centro Cultural Recoleta

At the Centro Cultural Recoleta, PUMA created the event Urban Art and invited ENR to participate exhibiting his work of art.

Abril 2013.

World Water Day 2013.

Called by the CGP Nr 2 Buenos Aires Government CABA to exhibit his work at this particular event.

Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

March 2013

School Number 35

Emergency Village 1-11-14 Lugano.

Mural made with recycled plastic bottles refilled.

Worked with the children of up to 5 years old assisting at the kindergarden.

December 2012.

Palermo's University

Display windows designed together with the students assisting the career of Clothe's Design of the Palermo's University.

Year 2012



Web Design, Photography and Videos  by TaffaFilms / / Mobile &  Whatsapp +54 911 4093 3821

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